Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Most GYARU moments~!

It's not difficult to transform into a gyaru. All it needs is to work hard and spend on accessories and cosmetics.

I have started it two years ago. this is how i look like in wanting to become a gyaru.

Random thoughts.

Second post of the night~!
Now, I finally can feel why do people around me blog their daily life even there's no reader.
Reasons behind it can be how I felt. Personally think that, I am blogging now to express my internal feelings which i will not express it to anyone and this can only be pour out here online. I bet you have the same feeeling as me.

that's what i realised after i kept a secret blog from a taiwan based hosting titled 'wretch.cc'. At that time, i kept my every entries locked with a password which can only be accessed by me alone. but, you might be wondering why do i open my blog entry up to the public now is that I thinking that there's nothing to hide at all. Why I do hide my internal feelings. I need a medium that can allows me to vent out my anger and shared or post out my bits and pieces of my moods.

Another random topic i want to talk about from my point of view is:
Will a person somehow look like someone who he/she admires? It can be ldolizing a star or be it loving your best friend or even between a couple. From what i see, i realized people will somehow look like each other he always look at everyday. For example, i have seen a blogger from malaysia looking alie like angelababy (68%) because angelababy is her idol since she was young and wished to be like her so much. and yet i think she had succeeded at last having the shadow of a person.

Although, this was not proven by and scienticfic records till now, I still believe my own saying, because you see, how can one say or see why a couples have a couple face? can it be just purely 'fated' like how everybody said? No, i still support my own saying that stated above.

Okay, if you're stil not convince by me. Let me share my own experiences, in the past i used to like Miyake so much because she was one of the person who i looked up to for gyaru style and somehow found out that some of my camwhore pictures looked (70%) just like her. Second personal experience was, i used to click on one infamous blogger everyday, same reasons was just plainly sourcing for gyaru information. shockingly i also realised i looked like her sometimes in the pictures i took. I need not to repeat myself for many times of the topic i discussing.
But belive it or not, I also see cases from one of my friend's friend who is liking a popteen model named mizukitty as her nickname. she looked like her now. that's scary i can say~@!

So here's my wish.
1. I wish to look like angelababy one day or
2. Looking like kumicky from popteen magazine
or 3. Tsubasa Masuwaka from popsister!

Yooppie! I LOVE em ALL~!

and gyaru all the way.....

Saturday, January 07, 2012

New year resolution

Hi Bloggie
im very fulled now. i wonder why nowadays my stomach is not suffering from pain. i kind of missing those times i experience a pain after a very full meal.
 maybe was it my diet expanded these days? i need to control it already or else i will continue eating like the past. i dont want.
alright, plans for tml to eat. 4 pieces of nuggets only tt's all. Do not consume much things after that. eat at a right time for the proper meal.
another thing is why my weight stop to reduce after 58 plus kilograms.
but what can i do to slim down more?
and i know how to make myself more productive at studies i need to close up myself in order to work effectively.