Monday, February 06, 2012

Officially lose 7kg within 4months!

I have been leading an unhealthy eating manner these four months since Nov'11. But, I had officially shed off a total of 7kg and more to reduce.
Recent photo: weigh at 56kg

63.3kg, heaviest weight ever in my life

I couldn't believe what had happened me . what has become my determination to slim down so much weight.
I think it's just an individual mindset to change everything in your hands. My mindset to slim down because i dont wanna waste my youth period all these while, and i made the decision to reduce weight to an ideal weight of 43kg before my 21st birthday as a beswt gift for myself. So i think i can achieve this goal as im already weigh 56kg as per now. I believe i can do it

But what's the cons of dieting through unhealthy manner:
- smaller and Saggy Boobs
- you will gain weight much faster and heavier next time.
- you can never eat a bigger serving again ever in your life,  that will make you fatter even.
- You'll never have a peaceful mind while you eat.

Enough of it?
Here's the pros,
- Reduce weight in a faster and lazy ways
- Become more confident
- Manage to fit in prettier apparels that you always wanted.

That's all, I should stop here.
Please do think twice if you're losing weight just like how i do it.

My only remedies
Search online to purchase whatever remedies to let/ make you boobies grow bigger. =D
Honestly, I'm liking big boobs, slim waist.
Ideally, 24,23,34
Please share with me your remedies to have bigger boobs~ Your help will be greatly appreciated me! Please share with me =DDD


Junjun said...

Congrats on the weight loss~ :'D

I think losing inches off your chest will be inevitable (; my friend lost 2 inches off her waist at the expense of losing 1 inch off her chest;;; unless you have very, very lucky genes~ >u< ). I wouldn't recommend the pills some girls take to 'maintain' their bust size - it usually never works, and you don't even know what's in it! D':

I heard that doing chest exercises (push ups, for example) will make your chest firmer and appear larger though. uvu


Hi JunJun =D

Really thanks for your lil advice and sharing!

Im actually consuming the F-Cup cookies now, but yet to see any result just hoping it will work for me.

and I'll definetely try some chest exercise but 'im just too lazy I think.
