Thursday, April 19, 2012

Starting a new chapter in new semester! YEAR two

Never going to say O.M.g!

It's going to be a new semester, a new year in school this apr.

I must let bygone be the past. should not let it reoccur again. shall work hard for this year for myself improvement of the year.
It's going to be tougher but just have to endure it to the end.

Never there to waste any time. do use the facilities in school like the library and read newspaper a day. pick up at least a new word a day to see improvement for the reason i dont wish to be standing at the same spot over years again. which i had not been moving all these years. Shall start a new chapter ahead, look back for the fighting spirit i used to have in ITE days. that's the only way going to work for me now. so please myself to make full use of my time in schoool and anywhere. to live a life not to survive a day. I want to do my best in everything. a pat on my shoulder... do not over stressed myself. and do preparation.!
may this be a promise to myself another goal after my dieting plan of 2012.

signing off
CX. excel in studies this year.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Self disappointment~ =((

I hope this disappoinment can wake me up. im very dissappointed with myself bcos it has been so long nearly six months since my dad left us. I have not changed. i always take life for granted and didnt make my life a meaningful ones

我是真的真的对自己非常的感到失望。 应为我就是不会感到惭愧和不懂的改过自新呢?
我心内现在是多么的伤心因为我很没用, 我很清楚拳拳的原因。 已半年了为何我还没醒来? 就快二十一岁了还不懂事, 我希望从明天起, 我不只是光着口说大话却没把事做好。

What can i do to change? my brother already told me that night infront of my dad in order for a person to be motivate one has to start writing down what one wants to achieve and write down what one needs to accomplish to reach the aim. will that really work for me im such a lazy person. I must really change for a better person. i need to grow up from now and be more sensible and responsible from now.

I thinking i should not say maybe i should try to jot down what i want in life is now i shall type down what i want to achieve. i know myself well enough. recalled back to that afternoon. Why i couldnt make my promise all i know now it;s just because i know i can not fulfil my promise to my dad. and i know i will always cry, tear infront of my cpu screen will not work from now. I need to change for a better and live a better life becoming a better person and never let my family to worry about me now. i will not blame myself for being a failure all these while only thing i can do for myself and my dad starting from now is to not be lazy and work, study and be a good girl.

I dont want to just make an empty promise now.

im going to list down what i want to achieve now. and must be realistic and achieveable to motivate myself.

- I got to start reading up notes for my work progress
- concentrate on my studies from now and make sure i will do well from this apr semester.
- do not waste much time from now i need to grow up.
okay be more specific
~ I need to start reading up my service thingy by this week
~ I need to make sure i know everything aboiiut my work
~ i always complete my task when i am assign to on the day itself to break the habit of procrastinating.
~ i will slowly kick away the habit of laziness.
~ must always say it and do it,
~ finish my course by june.
~ add on a new wish to my birthday this apr. I must do it once things are assign and not to be lazy anymore.

Because that will destroy me

i want to do something that will let my dad feel proud of me, I LOVE YOU MY DAD & MOM together with my two sisters. I love you all much. I want to change myswelf from now for you all and myself.

this will be my lil promise from now to myself. i must not break it. pleasse.
 i will not end my passage here coz i believe there will be a better ending. =)?

signing off
pinksecretive lady

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Let me type something about myself

im here to type down something really about myself.

- I think im just too excited and happy a mixtures of feeling now that i couldnt sleep even im feeling tired haha (all the wig's fault, I dont know how it will looks like im just feeling happy)
- I am a real 100% procrastinator omg. I can slogged there and surf the net looking at the same old things and forget about i've things impt than that.
- I am always feel so proud of myself after i finally accomplish something. haha.
- I am a slowcroach. lol im very slow at thinking and typing. i can take like 9hours to type out a piece of thousand plus document. oh my hell LOL
- I admit im always childish at home and outside.
- Im an evil when im alone LOL, my another personality came out to play.
- Sometimes i just too bored that i talked to myself lol
- I liked to LOL alot but actually im am not laughing lol
- Im always making a simple things complicated.
- Im not an organised person.
- I love about almost everything about GYARU
-Today is the day which i own my first wig
- im very straight forward person in mind i will only say out sometimes when i feel like
- I will need a person to push me at my back for me to work hard.
- Im a person who will only learnt when fell hard.
- I didnt meet a online person in my life and next week i going to. OMG. what will i do.
- Im good sometimes when i'm just dunno how to scold ppl. dunno what words to use. cos im always nice to ppl.
- Im sooo nice that i can wait for a person for an hour when i have things to occupy myself
- I loved to be alone sometimes
- I can lunch on my own but im not independent enough.
- I always wished that i can just type out anything in my mind.
_ I wondered alot.
I missed my daddy almost everyday.
I am a dreamer dream about almost everything in my dream life.
I am not a girl who always eye for guys
I will only liked a guy if im quite close to him, i guessw most girls are like that
I am lazy to reply guys whom im not interested. lol
hmmm... let's do a counting of how many guys i've crushed or someting on....
so far only 5 guys those unluckiest guys i met whom i fell for them,,,, i cannot name them out here.
I've never been into a real relationship before, my first kiss will only be save for my fisrt and the last guy i will love and dote in my life but dunno when. im not desperate about it.
I dont really  look at appearance based on those whom i liked before.only one is acceptable look....

it really based on how the person treat me.
I like guys who can laugh and joke alot and whisper sweet notes in to my ears
i liked guys who can see for me lol.
i am just a dreamer
more to add on in next entry when i feel like to type more.
Last thing about me now. I m so excited about my first new wig that makes me wanna try it out now in the mid of night. it can be just so funny and scary.